皱子白花菜Cleome rutidosperma

皱子白花菜Cleome rutidosperma

皱子白花菜Cleome rutidosperma

中文名(Chinese Name):皱子白花菜
学名(Scientific Name):Cleome rutidosperma DC.
英文名(English Common Name):fringed spiderflower
别名(Chinese Common Name):平伏茎白花菜
异名(Synonym):Cleome ciliata Schumach. et Thonn.;Cleome guineensis Hook.f.;Cleome rutidosperma var. hainanensis J.L.Shan;Cleome rytidosperma DC. ex Schult. f.;Cleome thyrsiflora De Wild. & T.Durand 
科属(Family & Genus):山柑科(Capparaceae)白花菜属
形态特征(Description):一年生草本。茎直立、开展或平卧,分枝疏散,高达90厘米,无刺,茎、叶柄及叶背脉上疏被无腺疏长柔毛,有时近无毛。叶具3小叶,叶柄长2-20毫米(茎下部的叶未见);小叶椭圆状披针形,有时近斜方状椭圆形,顶端急尖或渐尖、钝形或圆形,基部渐狭或楔形,几无小叶柄,边缘有具纤毛的细齿,中央小叶最大,长1-2.5厘米宽5-12毫米,侧生小叶较小,两侧不对称。花单生于茎上部叶具短柄叶片较小的叶腋内,常2-3花连接着生在2-3节上形成开展有叶而间断的花序;花梗纤细,长1.2-2厘米,果时长约3厘米;萼片4,绿色,分离,狭披针形,顶端尾状渐尖,长约4毫米,背部被短柔毛,边缘有纤毛;花瓣4,新鲜标本上2个中央花瓣中部有黄色横带, 2个侧生花瓣颜色一样,顶端急尖或钝形,有小凸尖头,基部渐狭延成短爪,长约6毫米,宽约2毫米,近倒披针状椭圆形,全缘,两面无毛;花盘不明显,花托长约1毫米,雄蕊6,花丝长5-7毫米,花药长1.5-2毫米;雌蕊柄长1.5-2毫米,果时长4-6毫米;子房线柱形,长5-13毫米,无毛,有些花中子房不育,长仅2-3毫米;花柱短而粗,柱头头状。果线柱形,表面平坦或微呈念珠状,两端变狭,顶端有喙,长3.5-6厘米,中部直径3.5-4.5毫米;果瓣质薄,有纵向近平行脉,常自两侧开裂。种子近圆形,直径1.5-1.8毫米,背部有20-30条横向脊状皱纹,皱纹上有细乳状突起,爪开张,彼此不相联,爪的腹面边缘有一条白色假种皮带。花果期6-9月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 7 Page 430
Cleome rutidosperma Candolle, Prodr. 1: 241. 1824.
皱子白花菜 zhou zi bai hua cai | Cleomaceae  | Cleome
Cleome ciliata Schumacher & Thonning.
Herbs, annual or rarely perennial, 30-100 cm tall. Stems branched, often with decumbent branches, glabrous or glabrescent to slightly scabrous but sometimes glandular pubescent. Stipules ca. 0.5 mm, scalelike or absent. Petiole 0.5-3.5 cm, proximally winged; leaflets 3; leaflet blades oblanceolate to rhomboid-elliptic, 1-3.5 × 0.5-1.7 cm, abaxially with curved trichomes on veins especially when young, adaxially glabrous, margins entire or serrulate-ciliate, apex acute, obtuse, or sometimes acuminate. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, 2-4 cm but 8-15 cm in fruit, 3-6-flowered; bracts leaflike, 3-foliate, 1-3.5 cm. Pedicel 1.1-2.1 cm but 1.8-3 cm in fruit. Sepals yellow, narrowly lanceolate, 2.5-4 × 0.2-0.3 mm, ± persistent, glabrous, margin ciliate. Petals white or speckled with purple, oblong to narrowly ovate, 7-10 × 1.5-2.3 mm; central 2 petals outside with a yellow transverse band. Filaments yellow, 5-7 mm; anthers purplish brown, 1-2 mm. Pistil 2-3 mm, glabrous; style 0.5-1.4 mm. Fruit with a 4-12 mm gynophore; capsule 40-70 × 3-4 mm, striate. Seeds 4-25 per capsule, reddish brown to black with white funicular aril, 1-1.5 mm, slender, striately verrucose. Fl. and fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 20, 30.
Between paddy fields, streamsides, wetlands; near sea level to 200 m. Introduced and naturalized in Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan (Qiongshan), Taiwan, and W Yunnan (Luxi) [native to tropical Africa; naturalized in tropical America, Asia, and Australia].
This species is an invasive weed throughout most lowland wet tropical areas of Asia and Australia.(责任编辑:徐晔春)

