印度黄檀Dalbergia sissoo

中文名(Chinese Name):印度黄檀
学名(Scientific Name):Dalbergia sissoo Roxb. ex DC.
英文名(English Common Name):Indian rosewood
别名(Chinese Common Name):印度檀
异名(Synonym):Amerimnon sissoo (Roxb.)Kuntze
科属(Family & Genus):蝶形花科,Fabaceae黄檀属
形态特征(Description):乔木;树皮灰色,粗糙,厚而深裂;分枝多,平展。枝被白色短柔毛。羽状复叶长12-15厘米;托叶披针形,早落;小叶1-2对,近革质,近圆形或有时菱状倒卵形,长3.5-6厘米,先端圆,具短尾尖,尖头长5-10毫米,嫩时两面淡绿色,被白色伏贴柔毛,成长时无毛,有光泽。圆锥花序近伞房状,腋生,比复叶短一半;分枝与花序轴被柔毛;基生小苞片披针形。副萼状小苞片阔卵形,均早落;花长8-10毫米,芳香,具极短花梗;花萼筒状,长6-7毫米,被柔毛,上方2萼齿近圆形,基余的披针形,先端钝,下方1枚最长;花冠淡黄色或白色,各瓣均具长柄,旗瓣阔倒卵形,先端微凹缺,翼瓣和龙骨瓣倒披针形,基部渐狭,无耳;雄蕊9,单体;子房长圆形,被白色柔毛,具长柄,柄长约4.5毫米,有胚珠4-6粒,花柱极短,柱头头状。荚果线状长圆形至带状,长4-8厘米,6-12毫米,果瓣薄革质,干时淡褐色,无毛,对种子部分略具网纹,有种子12 (-3)粒;种子肾形,扁平。花期3-4月。
引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 10 Page 122, 124
Dalbergia sissoo Roxburgh ex Candolle, Prodr. 2: 416. 1825.
印度黄檀 yin du huang tan | Fabaceae  | Dalbergia
Trees, with rough, gray bark. Branches numerous, hori­zontally spreading; young shoots puberulent. Leaves 12-15 cm; stipules caducous, lanceolate; leaflets 3-5; petiolules 8-10 mm, initially puberulent, ultimately glabrous; blades green when young, shiny when old, suborbicular, occasionally rhombic-obovate, 3.5-6 cm, puberulent when young, glabrous when old, apex rounded, shortly caudate. Panicles axillary, short, ca. 7 cm; rachis and bracteoles puberulent. Flowers nearly sessile, fra­grant; bracts caducous, lanceolate. Calyx campanulate, 6-7 mm, enclosed within 2 large, broadly ovate, membranous, very cadu­cous bracteoles, outside puberulent, 5-toothed; teeth shorter than tube, upper pair rounded, lateral 2 subacute, shorter than lowest, lowest rather narrowly lanceolate. Corolla yellowish white; petals rather long clawed; standard broadly obovate, emarginate; wings and keel oblanceolate, base without auricles, cuneate, attenuate to claw. Stamens 9, monadelphous. Ovary oblong, pubescent, with rather long stipe ca. 4.5 mm, 4-6-ovuled; style very short; stigma capitate. Legume pale brown when dry, linear-oblong to strap-shaped, 4-8 × 0.6-1.2 cm, leathery, glabrous, faintly veined opposite 1 or 2(or 3) seeds. Seeds reniform, compressed. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Jun-Nov.
Cultivated; 900-1500 m. Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan, Taiwan, Zhejiang [native to India; widely cultivated in the tropics].
印度黄檀Dalbergia sissoo

印度黄檀Dalbergia sissoo

印度黄檀Dalbergia sissoo(责任编辑:徐晔春)

