云南松Pinus yunnanensis

云南松Pinus yunnanensis

云南松Pinus yunnanensis

中文名(Chinese Name):云南松
学名(Scientific Name):Pinus yunnanensis Franch.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Pinus sinensis var. yunnanensis (Franch.) Shaw  Pinus tabuliformis var. yunnanensis (Franch.) Dallim. et A. B. Jacks.  Pinus insularis var. yunnanensis (Franch.) Silba  Pinus kesyya subsp. yunanensis (Franch.) Businsky
科属(Family & Genus):松科Pinaceae松属
形态特征(Description):乔木,高达30米,胸径1米;树皮褐灰色,深纵裂,裂片厚或裂成不规则的鳞状块片脱落;枝开展,稍下垂;一年生枝粗壮,淡红褐色,无毛,二、三年生枝上苞片状的鳞叶脱落露出红褐色内皮;冬芽圆锥状卵圆形,粗大,红褐色,无树脂,芽鳞披针形,先端渐尖,散开或部分反曲,边缘有白色丝状毛齿。针叶通常3针一束,稀2针一束,常在枝上宿存三年,长10-30厘米,径约1.2毫米,先端尖,背腹面均有气孔线,边缘有细锯齿;横切面扇状三角形或半圆形,二型皮下层细胞,第一层细胞连续排列,其下有散生细胞,树脂道约4-5个,中生与边生并存(中生者通常位于角部);叶鞘宿存。雄球花圆柱状,长约1.5厘米,生于新枝下部的苞腋内,聚集成穗状. 球果成熟前绿色,熟时褐色或栗褐色,圆锥状卵圆形,长5-11厘米,有短梗,长约5毫米;中部种鳞矩圆状椭圆形,长约3厘米,宽约1.5厘米,鳞盾通常肥厚、隆起,稀反曲,有横脊,鳞脐微凹或微隆起,有短刺;种子褐色,近卵圆形或倒卵形,微扁,长4-5毫米,连翅长1.6-1.9厘米;子叶6-8枚,长2.8-3.8厘米,边缘具疏毛状细锯齿;初生叶窄条形,长2.5-5厘米,较柔软。花期4-5月,球果第二年10月成熟。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 4 Page 15
Pinus yunnanensis Franchet, J. Bot. (Morot). 13: 253. 1899.
云南松 yun nan song  | Pinaceae  | Pinus
Trees or rarely shrubs; bark brown-gray, longitudinally fissured, scaly; branchlets reddish brown, thick, glabrous; winter buds red-brown, ovoid, large, not resinous. Needles (2 or)3 per bundle, flabellate-triangular or semiorbicular in cross section, 7-30 cm × 1-1.2 mm, stomatal lines present on all surfaces, resin canals 4 or 5, median and marginal, base with persistent sheath. Seed cones shortly pedunculate, green, maturing to brown or chestnut brown, conical-ovoid, 5-11 cm, dehiscent or indehiscent at maturity. Seed scales oblong-ellipsoid, ca. 3 × 1.5 cm; apophyses usually swollen, cross keeled, rarely recurved; umbo slightly sunken or slightly protruded, ending in a minute prickle. Seeds brown, slightly appressed, nearly ovoid or obovoid, 4-5 mm; wing 1.2-1.4 cm. Pollination Apr-May, seed maturity Oct.
* Mountains, river basins, dry and sunny slopes; 400-3100 m. Guangxi, Guizhou, SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, Yunnan
The timber is used for construction, railway sleepers, boards, furniture, and wood pulp. The trunk can be used as a source of resin, the roots for cultivating fungi, and the bark for producing tannin.

