云南紫荆Cercis glabra

中文名(Chinese Name):云南紫荆
学名(Scientific NameCercis glabra Pampan.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):湖北紫荆、乌桑树
异名(Synonym):Cercis yunnanensis Hu et W. C. Cheng  Cercis funiushanensis S. Y. Wang et T. B. Chao  Cercis gigantea W.C. Cheng & Keng f.
科属(Family & Genus):云实科,Caesalpiniaceae紫荆属
形态特征(Description):乔木,高6-16米,胸径达30厘米;树皮和小枝灰黑色。叶较大,厚纸质或近革质,心脏形或三角状圆形,长5-12厘米,宽4.5-11.5厘米,先端钝或急尖,基部浅心形至深心形,幼叶常呈紫红色,成长后绿色,上面光亮,下面无毛或基部脉腋间常有簇生柔毛;基脉(5-)7条;叶柄长2-4.5厘米。总状花序短,总轴长0.5-1厘米,有花数至十余朵;花淡紫红色或粉红色,先于叶或与叶同时开放,稍大,长1.3-1.5厘米,花梗细长,长1-2.3厘米。荚果狭长圆形,紫红色,长9-14厘米,少数短于9厘米,宽1.2-1.5厘米,翅宽约 2毫米,先端渐尖,基部圆钝,二缝线不等长,背缝稍长,向外弯拱,少数基部渐尖而缝线等长;果颈长2-3毫米;种子1-8颗,近圆形,扁,长6-7毫米,宽5-6毫米。花期3-4月;果期9-11月。
用途(Use):引自植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 10 Page 5, 6
Cercis glabra Pampanini, Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n.s. 17: 393. 1910.
湖北紫荆 hu bei zi jing| Fabaceae  | Cercis
Cercis funiushanensis S. Y. Wang & T. B. Chao; C. pubescens S. Y. Wang; C. yunnanensis H. H. Hu & W. C. Cheng.
Trees, 6-20 m tall. Trunk to 30 cm d.b.h. or more. Bark and branchlets grayish black. Petiole 2-4.5 cm; leaf blade often purplish red when young, greenish when mature, cordate or triangular-orbicular, 5-12(-20) × 4.5-11.5(-18) cm, thickly pa­pery to subleathery, adaxially shiny, glabrous or comose-pubes­cent in vein axils, principal veins (5-)7, base shallowly to deeply cordate, rarely truncate, apex obtuse or acute. Raceme short; rachis 5-10 mm, 4-12-flowered. Flowers light purplish red or pink, 1.3-1.5 cm; pedicel 1-2.3 cm, slender. Legume purplish red, broadly linear, (7-)9-15 × 1.2-1.5 cm, wing 2-2.3 mm, sutures unequal (rarely equal), dorsal suture slightly longer, base rounded to acuminate, apex acuminate; stipe 2-3 mm. Seeds 1-8, compressed, suborbicular, 6-7 × 5-6 mm. Fl. Mar-Apr, fr. Sep-Nov.
● Open or dense forests, mountain slopes, along valleys near roads, on rocks; 600-1900 m. Anhui, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang.
Plants called "Cercis gigantea Cheng et Keng f." (in Wei & He, Fl. Zhejiang. 3: 279. 1993) may represent a distinct species, but too little material was available to be certain. This needs further study. The name was not validly published because no Latin description or diagnosis was provided and no type was indicated (Vienna Code, Art. 36.1, 37.1).
云南紫荆Cercis glabra

云南紫荆Cercis glabra

云南紫荆Cercis glabra(责任编辑:徐晔春)

