大理罗汉松Podocarpus forrestii

大理罗汉松Podocarpus forrestii

大理罗汉松Podocarpus forrestii

中文名(Chinese Name):大理罗汉松
学名(Scientific Name):Podocarpus forrestii Craib et W. W. Smith
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):Margbensonia forrestii (Craib et W. W. Sm.) A. V. Bobrov et Melikyan
科属(Family & Genus):罗汉松科(Podocarpaceae)罗汉松属
形态特征(Description):灌木,高1-3米;小枝较粗。叶密生或疏生,窄矩圆形或矩圆状条形,稀椭圆状披针形,质地厚、革质,长5-8厘米,宽9-13毫米,先端钝或微圆,稀尖,基部窄,上面深绿色,中脉隆起,下面微具白粉,呈灰绿色,中脉微隆起或平,叶柄短,长约2毫米。雄球花穗状,3个簇生,长1.5-2厘米,径约2毫米,基部苞片的先端尖,稀呈不规则钝圆,药隔先端长尖; 雌球花单生。种子圆球形,被白粉,径7-8毫米,种托肉质,圆柱形,较细,上部略窄,长约8毫米,梗长约1厘米。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 4 Page 82
Podocarpus forrestii Craib & W. W. Smith, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh. 12: 219. 1920.
大理罗汉松 da li luo han song | Podocarpaceae  | Podocarpus
Margbensonia forrestii (Craib & W. W. Smith) A. V. Bobrov & Melikyan.
Shrubs to 3 m, to 5.5 m in cultivation; branchlets robust, relatively thick, rather rigid, densely leafy. Leaves densely crowded; petiole 2-4 mm, narrowly winged; blade dark green and matt adaxially, grayish green abaxially, elliptic to linear-elliptic, 2-9 cm × 6-10 mm, rather leathery, midvein prominent, 0.5-1 mm wide, stomatal lines 30-50 on abaxial surface, base cuneate or shortly attenuate, margin thickened abaxially, apex obtuse or subacute. Pollen cones borne in clusters of 3, spikelike, 1.5-2 cm × ca. 2 mm; bracts acute, occasionally irregularly obtuse. Seed-bearing structures axillary, solitary; peduncle ca. 8 cm. Receptacle glaucous blue when immature, cylindric, relatively thin, slightly narrowed distally, ca. 3 mm, base with 2 linear bracts ca. 2 mm. Seed globose, 7-8 mm in diam. Seed maturity Aug.
* Dry or damp, shady places, open thickets, scrub, also cultivated in gardens and school yards; 2400-3000 m. Yunnan (Dali Xian: Diancang Shan)
Perhaps represents no more than the juvenile state of Podocarpus macrophyllus var. macrophyllus. It was placed in the synonymy of that species by de Laubenfels (Blumea 30: 276. 1985).

