下江忍冬Lonicera modesta

下江忍冬Lonicera modesta

下江忍冬Lonicera modesta

中文名(Chinese Name):下江忍冬
学名(Scientific Name):Lonicera modesta Rehd.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):素忍冬
科属(Family & Genus):忍冬科(Caprifoliaceae)忍冬属
形态特征(Description):落叶灌木,高达2米,幼枝、叶柄和总花梗密被短柔毛;冬芽外鳞片约5对,顶尖,内鳞片约4对,最上1对增大。叶厚纸质,菱状椭圆形至圆状椭圆形、菱状卵形或宽卵形,长2-4 (-8) 厘米,顶端钝圆,具短凸尖或凹缺,基部渐狭、圆形或近截形,有短缘毛,上面暗绿色,仅中脉和侧脉有短柔毛,下面网脉明显,全被短柔毛;叶柄长2-4毫米。总花梗长1-2.5毫米;苞片钻形,长2-3 (-4.5) 毫米,超过萼筒而短于萼齿,有缘毛及疏腺;杯状小苞长约为萼筒的1/3,有缘毛及疏腺;相邻两萼筒合生至1/2-2/3,上部具腺,萼齿条状披针形,长2-2.5毫米,外面有疏柔毛,具缘毛及疏腺;花冠白色,基部微红,后变黄色,唇形,长10-12毫米,外面疏生短柔毛或近无毛,筒与唇瓣等长或略短,基部有浅囊,内面有密毛,上唇裂片为唇瓣全长的2/5-1/2;雄蕊长短不等,花丝基部有毛;子房3室,花柱长约等于唇瓣,全有毛。相邻两果实几全部合生,由桔红色转为红色,直径7-8毫米;种子1-2颗,淡黄褐色,稍扁,卵圆形或矩圆形,长约4毫米,具沟纹,表面颗粒状而粗糙。花期5月,果熟期9-10月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC Vol. 19 Page 622, 632
Lonicera modesta Rehder in Sargent, Trees & Shrubs. 2: 49. 1907.
下江忍冬 xia jiang ren dong| Caprifoliaceae  | Lonicera
Lonicera graebneri Rehder; L. modesta var. lushanensis Rehder.
Shrubs, deciduous, to 2 m tall. Winter buds with ca. 5 pairs of outer acute, keeled scales; inner scales sometimes accrescent and enlarged. Branches, petioles, and peduncles densely pubescent or glabrous. Petiole 2-5 mm; leaf blade elliptic to oblong, broadly ovate, obovate, or rhombic, 2-8 × 1.5-6 cm, abaxially pubescent, glabrous or sparsely pubescent only on veins, adaxially glabrous or pubescent often only on midvein and lateral veins, base cuneate to rounded, margin ciliate, apex obtuse, mucronate, or slightly emarginate. Inflorescences axillary, paired flowers; peduncle 1-7 mm; bracts subulate, 2-3 mm, ciliate; bracteoles fused into a cupule, ca. 1/3 as long as ovaries, ciliate, with sparse glands. Neighboring 2 ovaries half to completely fused. Calyx lobes linear-lanceolate, 2-2.5 mm, ciliate, sometimes with sparse glands. Corolla bilabiate, white, base reddish, later yellow, 1-1.2 cm, outside sparsely pubescent or subglabrous; tube ca. 5 mm, shallowly gibbous at base, inside densely hairy; upper lip 4-lobed, lobes 2-3 mm; lower lip recurved. Stamens and style exserted from corolla tube; filaments glabrous or hairy at base. Style hairy throughout. Berries turning from orange-red to red, 7-8 mm in diam.; seeds 1-4, yellowish brown, slightly compressed, ovoid or oblong, 4-6 mm, minutely granular-raised and coarse. Fl. May-Jun, fr. Jul-Oct.
● Mixed forests, scrub; 500-1700 m. Anhui, ?Fujian, SE Gansu, W Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, S Shaanxi, Zhejiang.

