云南杓兰Cypripedium yunnanense

中文名(Chinese Name):云南杓兰
学名(Scientific Name):Cypripedium yunnanense Franch.
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
科属(Family & Genus):云南杓兰Cypripedium yunnanense

云南杓兰Cypripedium yunnanense

云南杓兰Cypripedium yunnanense
引自中国植物志英文版:FOC Vol. 25 Page 3, 5, 6, 23, 27, 28
Cypripedium yunnanense Franchet, J. Bot. (Morot). 8: 231. 1894.
云南杓兰 yun nan shao lan   | Orchidaceae  | Cypripedium
Cypripedium amesianum Schlechter.
Plants 20-37 cm tall, with a stout, short rhizome. Stem erect, glabrous or sparsely pubescent in upper part especially near nodes, with several sheaths at base and 3 or 4 leaves above. Leaf blade elliptic or elliptic-lanceolate, 6-14 × 1-3.5 cm, abaxially puberulent especially on veins, adaxially glabrous or sparsely puberulent, apex acuminate. Inflorescence terminal, with 1 flower; peduncle sparsely pubescent in upper part; floral bracts foliaceous, ovate-elliptic or ovate-lanceolate, 4-6 × ca. 1.5 cm, both surfaces sparsely pubescent, apex acute or acuminate; pedicel and ovary 2-3.5 cm, glabrous or upper part slightly hairy. Flower 4-6 cm in diam., pink, purplish red, or occasionally off-white, with darker veins; staminode white with a purple stripe centrally. Dorsal sepal ovate-elliptic, 2.2-3.2 × 1.2-1.6 cm, apex acuminate; synsepal elliptic-lanceolate, 2.2-3.2 × 0.8-1 cm, apex shallowly 2-lobed. Petals slightly twisted or not, lanceolate, 2.2-3.2 × 0.7-0.8 cm, adaxial base hairy, apex acuminate; lip deeply pouched, ellipsoid, 2.2-3.2 × 1.5-1.8 cm, with a paler rim to its mouth, outer surface glabrous, inner bottom hairy. Staminode elliptic or ovate, 6-7 × 3-4 mm, base subsessile. Fl. May.
● Pinus forests, thickets, grassy slopes; 2700-3800 m. SW and W Sichuan, SE Xizang, NW Yunnan.

