丽叶薯蓣Dioscorea aspersa

中文名(Chinese Name):丽叶薯蓣
学名(Scientific Name):. Dioscorea aspersa Prain et Burkill
英文名(English Common Name):
别名(Chinese Common Name):
异名(Synonym):Dioscorea pulverea Prain et Burkill
科属(Family & Genus):薯蓣科(Dioscoreaceae)薯蓣属
形态特征(Description):缠绕草质藤本。块茎长圆柱形,断面白色。茎无毛,右旋,干时带紫褐色。单叶,通常在茎下部的互生,中部以上的对生;叶片纸质,干时有时带黑褐色,近圆形,长6-16厘米,宽5-16厘米,顶端凸尖至尾尖,基部心形至深心形,有时两耳几平行,全缘,两面无毛,基出脉7-9;叶柄长3.5-18厘米。雌雄异株。雄花序为穗状花序,单一,长5-14厘米,1-3个着生于叶腋;雄花白色、绿白色或黄色,长2-3毫米,直径约2毫米;外轮花被片宽卵形,基部隆起,钝头,内轮卵形,稍小,两者均肉质;雄蕊6, 花药与花丝近等长。雌花序为穗状花序,单生于叶腋;花被片卵形,内轮较小。蒴果不反折,三棱状倒卵形或三棱状长圆倒卵形,长2.5-3.5厘米,宽2-3厘米,顶端凹,基部常歪斜,有白粉;种子着生于每室中轴中部,四周有膜质翅。花期6-7月,果期7-11月。
引自中国植物志英文版FOC | Family List | FOC Vol. 24
Dioscorea aspersa Prain & Burkill, J. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal. 4: 447. 1908.
丽叶薯蓣 li ye shu yu | Dioscoreaceae  | Dioscorea
Dioscorea pulverea Prain & Burkill.
Tubers cylindric; transverse section white. Stem twining to right, glabrous. Leaves opposite basally on stem, alternate distally on stem, simple; petiole 3.5--18 cm; leaf blade drying dark brown, suborbicular, 6--16 × 5--16 cm, papery, glabrous, basal veins 7 or 9, base cordate to deeply so, margin entire, apex acute to caudate. Male spikes solitary or 2 or 3 together, 5--14 cm; rachis straight. Male flowers: perianth white, greenish white, or yellow, 2--3 mm, outer lobes broadly ovate, fleshy, inner ones smaller than outer; stamens 6, anthers nearly as long as filaments. Female spike solitary. Female flowers: perianth lobes ovate. Capsule not reflexed, obovoid or long obovoid, 2.5--3.5 cm, pruinose, base usually oblique, apex emarginate; wings 1--1.5 cm wide. Seeds inserted near middle of capsule, winged all round. Fl. Jun--Jul, fr. Jul--Nov.
* Forests, mountain slopes; 1600--2100 m. W Guizhou, E Yunnan.
丽叶薯蓣Dioscorea aspersa

丽叶薯蓣Dioscorea aspersa(责任编辑:徐晔春)

